Weekly spreads for your bullet journal
The spread you will use the most is the weekly or daily log. I use a weekly log most of the time but daily logs when I am busier. Eva uses mostly weekly logs. The beauty of every bullet journal is you structure it in whatever way you want; include goals, trackers, meal planners or just a to-do list for the week with a list of jobs for each day.
The advantage of this type of spread is that you don't have to write a new to-do list every day. This saves time because you don't have to rewrite the same jobs over and over again. It also helps avoid the feeling of failure which we sometimes get when we fail to do the jobs on our list. The fact is that many jobs just need to be done at some point in the week so weekly spreads work well.
Here is a simple but effective planner which Eva prepared. You can see that some jobs just have to be done at some point during the week and some things need to be done on a particular day:
The little sis (Amelia) did this one for me:
And Eva did this one using the fabulous Vintage Set of Tombows:
And here is a super-simple, minimalist design if you are not feeling too arty and want to keep it clean: